About Us


Providing you with Experienced Consultants for professional results!

Peter D. Stoner


Kathy Barniak


Susan W. Galvin


You have questions; STONER & Company can provide answers...

  • When should I apply for Part B? Is a Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan best for me?
  • What’s the difference between those types of plans? Can I reduce my health care costs?
  • Do I need a Part D plan? If so, how much will it cost? What is a Part D plan? How about Part C?
  • Will I be covered when I travel? Do I need a referral to see a specialist?
  • What about copayments? Must I use physicians that are part of a network?
  • Which hospitals can I use? Are there deductibles that I will be required to pay?
  • Am I entitled to a discount if I elect a Medicare Supplement plan?
  • These are but a small sample of typical questions… you probably have your own.

If you need a guide to help you through the Medicare maze, call or email today!