Years of experience has led us to other subject experts. Most we have used personally. Others have come to us through client recommendations. We can connect you to...
SOCIAL SECURITY EXPERT This is the only expert who charges a fee. My wife and I used him in 2013. Yes, it cost us $200, since increased to $250, but his strategy generated an extra $48,000 in Social Security payments. Although the strategy that he suggested is no longer available, there are multiple strategies to maximize your return. He can help find them.
LONG TERM CARE EXPERT LTC is not cheap, but our financial advisor said that it was important in order to keep our legacy preserved for our children and to protect against longevity. Again, there are multiple strategies and our expert can help you find one to accommodate your budget and your goals. Our expert is renowned in her field.
ANNUITIES Not for everyone, but they can be a piece of a multi-prong strategy to provide an income stream as one ages. My wife and I have an annuity that we do not include in our Required Minimum Distribution. We are saving that for the surviving spouse. Our expert can find an annuity to help you accomplish your goals. He is another expert that we recommend with confidence.
LIFE INSURANCE EXPERT Permanent Life Insurance, again not cheap, was suggested to provide an income stream in our advanced years. Term insurance can also play a role. Our expert is the second generation in her family to focus on life insurance, so she learned the business at the dining room table. You can benefit from her expertise.
Although we focus exclusively on Medicare strategy in the states of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, we can connect you with Medicare experts all over the country.
We are pleased to be of assistance. Call or email us today if we can connect you with an expert...